Morning Linkage (Nov 18)


Jesse Dixon had a rotary wing take on the fly­ing car. In 1940.

Google may have its rov­ing all-seeing eye to give you a good look at each inter­sec­tion but Microsoft has a bet­ter idea for pro­duc­ing direc­tions. Ask a cab­bie.

Backwards Porsche, mutant Prius, horned hel­mets, and ‘busa engine in a National Guard brand­ed three wheel­er.… Autotopia picks its weird­est of SEMA.

Science and Technology

You’ve seen those pic­tures of the wind­mill farms locat­ed out at sea? Here’s the ship that builds them. Pics, video, and link to one of the crew’s flickr stream. Who said infra­struc­ture is boring?

Art, Images, and Design

Geometry, geog­ra­phy, and celes­tial maps. Eye can­dy from the 17th century.

Kick Start Calico Bean Salad. A recipe and a fab moto illustration.

Neighborhoods as swing sets, roller coast­ers, and jun­gle gyms. Amy Casey’s fab­u­lous hous­es.

Moving Images

Are play­er pianos the new clowns? Mark Tucker has freaked me out.

And just to share lit­tle more of the creepy that’s inhab­it­ing my brain this week, here’s Dirty Night Clowns… and that fun­ny, floaty way that mar­i­onettes move.  Making Of bonus material.

…off you go, there’s a week­end just ahead…
