Morning Linkage (Nov 16)


This lit­tle cub mod is just too cute to pass up.

A nice col­lec­tion of exam­ples of the art of Pakistani trucks and bus­es from Animalrium. Saudi Aramco World gives us back­ground.

From a Japanese Ducati blog. Found object sculp­ture. Small, sim­ple, sweet.

Take a good long look at the pic­ture before you read the arti­cle. Maybe I’m slow but it took me a at least 30 sec­onds to twig to what is so wrong with this Triton.


Little tiny Big Bangs. I’m just hav­ing trou­ble with the con­cept of atoms melt­ing. More fun from LHC.

Art, Images, and Design

Look very close­ly. Each of these botan­i­cal images is made up of very non-herbaceous mate­r­i­al. Cecelia Webber.

Of all of 2much’s work these lit­tle sculp­tures made from ping-pong balls while he was try­ing to give up cig­a­rettes are the most inti­mate and heart­felt. More 2much aka Bundeli Patrik

Painter Vincent Hui. Perhaps a lit­tle dif­fi­cult, cer­tain­ly some Bruegelish grotes­queries. More bet­ter but dif­fi­cult to nav­i­gate web­site. My favorite, Table.

I have a friend cur­rent­ly engaged in clean­ing out her shed(s). Perhaps I’ll send her this col­lec­tion of ideas for things to make out of the old bicy­cles. There are some win­some gates here.

that’s all for today
