Your leathers might seem like a good idea for the slip and slide or the big water park rides but… maybe not. JL proves that removing your protective clothing before jumping in that lake might be a good idea. (Gallery at the bottom of the page — for giggles)
You can buy a little gas engine and make a ratty old Schwinn look like a rad board-tracker. And get to work for cheap.
I had never heard of the Brockhouse Corgi. Now that I’ve seen these pictures I want one. At least I want the dress.
Society, Culture, and Buildings
Making yours just a little bigger than the other guys has been going on for eons. First it was fire pits and middens, then cathedrals and castles. Now it’s mostly office buildings. Betting on which is the biggest is perhaps a close second favorite. Do not make bets with blackdogprod (no relation) about tallest buildings. He wrote the book, or more exactly the Google Earth hack.
Art, Images, and Design
Wait, wait. There was a national stationary show? And I missed it? Waaahhhh. Poppytalk provides a nice run down and happily, for me at least, tons of pictures of very well done letterpress work.
I especially love these from Iron and Ink.
Bread and cookies. Yummy to eat. And this plastic bag design reminds you of that. Love the grinny mouth.
Ian Worrel’s work is moody and dense. Meditations on consequences and redemption in a few colors and simple shapes. Icarus and the Tree Herder (3:17 — Music)( is shorter and slyer. Second Wind (6:35 — Music) is longer and makes its more complex point slowly.
and you’ve wasted another perfectly good week with…
the magpie.