Morning Linkage (May 28)


Your leathers might seem like a good idea for the slip and slide or the big water park rides but… maybe not.  JL proves that remov­ing your pro­tec­tive cloth­ing before jump­ing in that lake might be a good idea. (Gallery at the bot­tom of the page — for giggles)

You can buy a lit­tle gas engine and make a rat­ty old Schwinn look like a rad board-tracker. And get to work for cheap.

I had nev­er heard of the Brockhouse Corgi. Now that I’ve seen these pic­tures I want one. At least I want the dress.

Society, Culture, and Buildings

Making yours just a lit­tle big­ger than the oth­er guys has been going on for eons. First it was fire pits and mid­dens, then cathe­drals and cas­tles. Now it’s most­ly office build­ings. Betting on which is the biggest is per­haps a close sec­ond favorite. Do not make bets with black­dog­prod (no rela­tion) about tallest build­ings. He wrote the book, or more exact­ly the Google Earth hack.

Art, Images, and Design

Wait, wait. There was a nation­al sta­tion­ary show? And I missed it? Waaahhhh. Poppytalk pro­vides a nice run down and hap­pi­ly, for me at least, tons of pic­tures of very well done let­ter­press work.

I espe­cial­ly love these from Iron and Ink.

Bread and cook­ies. Yummy to eat. And this plas­tic bag design reminds you of that. Love the grin­ny mouth.


Ian Worrel’s work is moody and dense. Meditations on con­se­quences and redemp­tion in a few col­ors and sim­ple shapes. Icarus and the Tree Herder (3:17 — Music)( is short­er and sly­er. Second Wind (6:35 — Music) is longer and makes its more com­plex point slowly.

and you’ve wast­ed anoth­er per­fect­ly good week with…

the mag­pie.
