Morning Linkage (May 18)


I’m not sure why you’d con­vert a ’73 TX650 to a mono­shock rear but I’m mad for the paint scheme. Tres chic.

Okay, this is weird. A cus­tom shop in Italy that builds on mod­ern Royal Enfields. Italy, India, exot­ic? (Royal McQueen)

One of the nicest look­ing motard con­cepts I’ve seen (this week). Oberdan Bezzi does Bimota.

Society, Culture, and Literature

Therefore Repent! is a post-rapture graph­ic nov­el. What if after the rap­ture the world con­tin­ues along it’s mer­ry way, except that some­things are a lit­tle odd, like mag­ic starts to work? And then there are the aveng­ing angels… The link is to the .pdf.  Alternative for­mats avail­able as well.  Where they’re talk­ing about the next nov­el in the series. By Jim Munro and Salgood Sam.

A hand­ful of draw­ings for inven­tions that we don’t know we need. Auto-abandonment zones being the first of sev­er­al good ideas.

Science, Technology, and Gadgets

Thank heav­en for Wired sci­ence. Taking the inter­est­ing things stuck behind Nature’s pay-wall and bring­ing them out for the rest of us to see.

Networks are gen­er­al­ly resilient, that’s why they devel­op. But what hap­pens if you net­work net­works? You get frag­ile. A recent report in Nature demon­strate this with exam­ples from the Italian pow­er grid fail­ure and stock mar­kets crash in 1987.

Art, Images, and Design

A cam­era, some paper, and a pen­cil. Overlaid real­i­ties that act as x‑rays into the world we don’t quite live in.

A boat load of images of the Virgin or some­thing like her. Many tak­en from the cock-odd world of fash­ion styling. The zom­bie expres­sion on the face of the sec­ond LaCroix bride would scare any man away from the altar. Blasphemy abounds, but don’t skip it. There are trea­sures like the images by Lorri Lipton and Ron English.

Sam Brewster rocks a cool style that hints at hav­ing used a lot of mark­ers grow­ing up. Commercial work that comes with a sense of humor built in. I swear that fish is grimacing.

off you go my freaky darlings.
