Morning Linkage (Feb 8)


The Porsche Family Tree ad from a cou­ple of months ago was a fine show­ing of clas­sic cars. Here’s a Making of …video for your enjoy­ment. Shameless self pro­mo­tion at it’s finest. (sound — but nice sound)

In antic­i­pa­tion of Bonneville Speedweek, tal­ent­ed auto­mo­tive pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jerry Garns put up three shots from 2009.

BMW R69S Custom from Ritmo Sereno.

The Ritmo Sereno site trans­lat­ed from Japanese by the ever help­ful Google.


Food, Society, and Technology

A fab­u­lous Annie Leibovitz pho­to­graph and a reminder that one of my favorite food writer has been unread for too long. MKF Fisher. Sadly not avail­able in the Kindle.

On a more mun­dane note, the ubiq­ui­tous and use­less ketchup pack­et has final­ly got­ten a redesign.


Art, Images, Design

More Jim Flora and the very good news that there will be prints.  Skittish horse is kind of sin­is­ter indeed.

With a style that is sim­i­lar­ly sim­ple in line and col­or choice, illus­tra­tor Jon Klassen gets a nice write up at Design Sponge.

The ring a day project. Doing some art every­day is a good prac­tice (zen) for any­one who wants to keep their brain tuned up and devel­op a skill. Designing a mak­ing a ring a day is project for jew­el­ers and metalsmiths.

Milky way trans­port map — a la London.

A lit­tle Valentine’s ani­ma­tion. Set in Paris. With nin­jas. Can it get better?
nin­ja love sto­ry — ani­ma­tion (paris)

Happy Monday my lit­tle hyper­ac­tive gerbils.
