Morning Linkage (Feb 10)


WSDOT presents: build­ing the new fer­ry the Chetzemoka. Lovely lit­tle video mon­tage of con­struc­tion pho­tos, includ­ing a month­ly time lapse. (Sound — bad looped music)

Okay, these guys look like our kind of bugnutz. The Dumb Way Down. Around the world on a cou­ple of bit­sa bikes from the 30’s. It’s look­ing to be a multi-year project. Check out the web­site, the bios of the cul­prits and their gear are a gig­gle. They’re some­where on the east coast of the USA at the moment. Not the finest choice of geog­ra­phy giv­en the ongo­ing Snowpocalypse.

Truly one of the ugli­est bikes I have ever seen, the Ducati based Duster. Kittens were sacrificed.


Science and Technology

Quantum inter­ac­tions in the dal­i­has? The expla­na­tions of pho­to­syn­the­sis get weird­er and weirder.

Of pos­si­ble inter­est to some of you old school SEGA moto game fans. A sound track album, srlsy.


Art, Images, Design

There’s lit­tle infor­ma­tion about the artist beyond her taste in movies and music. These large­ly com­ic book illus­tra­tions cross between ani­me and noir with bits of com­men­tary on the nature of being human. Or in this case a cat, as the lit­tle white cat comes across some orange paint and imag­ines her­self a tiger. Amazingly not trite. (Other images in gallery mild­ly NSFW)

From Golden Age Comics,
Hannes Bok & Edd Cartier’s alter­nate­ly eerie and humor­ous sci-fi fey cal­en­dar illus­tra­tions in black and white for 1949 and 1950 Gnome Press Calendars. Robots, fairies, mush­rooms, and a mutant duck (?) all in one pic­ture. There are illos from at least three dif­fer­ent cal­en­dars mixed togeth­er here, mak­ing the view­ing even more surreal.

A lit­tle some­thing to remind you all that it could be worse than just a Wednesday. Dianna Rigg and scale mod­el rail­road­ing. Oh, go on, look, you know you want to,


One reply on “Morning Linkage (Feb 10)”

  1. re: the DUster. the kit­ten got off lucky. not only is it fugly^2, the write-up is full of inac­cu­ra­cies. if that’s an air-cooled duc, i’m a pink flamin­go. phoey.

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