Morning Linkage (Feb 22)


I seri­ous­ly need this truck. Well, okay, a few of you seri­ous­ly need this truck. Site Commander — the ulti­mate work truck, every­thing you need to run a nuclear pow­er plant build out. And an all ter­rain Segway, with it’s own lit­tle garage. Entries close May 1st.

The Fiat 500 Abarth of my dreams is com­ing to America. But not soon enough.



Strain spe­cif­ic antibi­ot­ic. More dif­fi­cult, more expen­sive, and quite pos­si­bly safer and more effec­tive than the cur­rent shot­gun approach. If noth­ing else, a fas­ci­nat­ing and reveal­ing look into how bac­te­ria function.

A rather more sane than usu­al pro­pos­al for clar­i­fy­ing copy­right and fair use.


Art, Images and Design

Remember the mock ups of the “new” cov­ers for the Jules Verne clas­sics? Jim Tierney has fin­ished his project. Four love­ly, mem­o­rable cov­ers for four favorite books. (Video)

Insanely great design­er and builder of wood­en clocks.

Stick bomb­ing, mon­key chains, xylo­ex­plo­sives, call them what you will. Tongue depres­sors, acrylic paint, and an excess amount of free time leads to this.
Directions for build­ing your own.

Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii devel­oped a tech­nique for tak­ing and print­ing full col­or pho­to­graph­ic images in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry. Involving three glass plates and col­ored fil­ters, the process is com­plex and awk­ward. But the results are love­ly. Images of the Russian Empire just before it’s dis­so­lu­tion. From the Library of Congerss collection.

And “Precisely who thought a Warren Ellis alarm clock was a good idea?”

That’s all for today my freaky darlings.
