Morning Linkage (Feb 11)


The lit­tle Honda RC125 is an instant walk down nos­tal­gia lane for many folks. Here’s a pho­to of a fine repli­ca and links to a bunch more fan sites.

Moto-porn and camera-porn in one go. Making of… videos for two recent Ducati ads (super­bike and hyper­mo­trad.) And can I just men­tion that not all bike video sound tracks have to suck. Ducati gets it right. (Sound)

Maybe I should­n’t post this… but you all are grown ups (kin­da). Julian Dupont does com­muter tri­als in Mexico City. Riding starts about 1 min in.  Note to P.Bear, BBQ Slayer, and a few oth­ers — No, I will not come bail your butt out of jail.
(Sound, bikes and music)


Society and Culture

Excerpts from a book review for Asylum. The review­er pro­vides a glimpse at the utopi­an vision of the cre­ators of state and pri­vate insti­tu­tions for the insane. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in track­ing down the intro­duc­tion by Oliver Sacks. Images from the book itself are avail­able through the link.

Brand new and unproven but intrigu­ing. The Web Trends Machine brings you TPUTH. Top tech sto­ries reduced to bad head­lines with links to source mate­r­i­al. “What’s hot in Google Reader” for smart ass­es. So far the links have been worth explor­ing. Try it your­self and let us know what you think.


Art, Images, Design

More rac­ing ani­ma­tion. Sick, but what do you expect from Cyanide and Happiness.

Fabulously organ­ic door bell but­ton sur­rounds by the Nouveau mas­ter Rene Binet. So many oppor­tu­ni­ties for beau­ty have gone out of our lives.

Energetic, opti­mistic, col­or­ful, and occa­sion­al­ly baf­fling. Pre-WWII indus­tri­al exhi­bi­tion posters from Japan.

From the Royal Gardens at Kew via the Smithsonian. Exquisite pho­tographs of car­niv­o­rous plants. So pret­ty and bright green they make a good anti­dote to the gray of a Northwest February,

One more day to go my freaky darlings,
