Tamyia catalogs of the 80’s and 90’s and 00’s. For the model builders out there.
A handful of the first “official” pictures of the Vyrus. Click for embiggen.
Another Triumph, this time a Rocket III built over by SE Service.
Click through for video with narration in German and not quite enough
actual bike footage to make it the featured link.
7 minutes of video shot on San Fransisco’s Market Street in 1905. The
view toward the Ferry Building as it appeared before the great
earthquake. (Sound — but nice music)
National Geographic has published an electronic version of the
complete National Geographic. In addition the editor’s have chosen 50
of their favorite covers to feature on the website.
Everybody loves robots. How about a smart phone controllable,
skateboarding, dancing, shuffling robot?
Art Image and Design
Do you know about the Flickr Commons? A place for the GLAM crowd
(galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) to put images for the
use and reuse of the public.
Hairy Green Eyeball brings you William Steig. The quintessential New
Yorker cartoonist.
These hand blown glass robots are way too friendly looking to be
threatening. They have some really cool snail friends little further
down the page.
Late last year I pointed to some stills from this witty, meandering,
animated look at some accounts of life on other planets. Mars and
beyond — Disney 1957. (sound, quick time — worth it)
Take your Monday a few minutes at a time my dears,