The odd story of George Disteel and his hoarder’s collection of motorcycles. Which I give to you mostly because the dog in the first picture of Disteel, late and crazy in his life, clearly shows a Bouvier des Flanders. Proving that good taste in motorcycles and good taste in dogs often go together.
Getting a bike that fits right and looks good is tough. Or was that shoes? Nope bike. Help is at hand. Cycle Ergo takes your measurements and plops a little mannequin built like you onto any one of hundreds of bikes. Though it claims that your rather petite curator of shiny can flat foot a K1600 GLT. I am skeptical.
Speaking of the salt. (We were just yesterday) Triumph — modified. Prettiest silver bike ever. Ever.
We were just discussing these magnets in the shop the other day. Neodymium magnets are such a geeky wonder. Tiny little bits of (nickel-plated) metal that grab on and won’t let go. You can get all sorts from K & J Magnetics. But more importantly you can get their newsletter with stuff like this: “How Neodymium Magnets are Made.”
Art, Images, and Design
A handful of Sanjeev Joshi’s quick sketches from Istanbul.
I know of Cliff Roberts only from cartoons in my father’s New Yorker magazines. Turns out he did some wonderful children’s books as well. I so want a copy of Thomas — he’s certainly the finest cat I’ve seen this fall.
Though oddly, I do recall a copy of Langston Hughes’ First Book of Jazz also illustrated by Cliff Roberts. I just never connected the two.
Fascination with 60’s and 70’s design. There are photographers who seek out and capture images of the everyday objects that filled our lives and homes. Browsing in this collection can fill up your inspiration well in just a couple of minutes. (via phil k)