Morning Linkage (Aug 10)


1960’s show cars on post­cards. Start with the Fireball 500. Total morn­ing waster on flickr.

Moving more freight, but not on the inter­states. Marine Highways, inter-modal freight, short sea ship­ping, and RoRos.

The world’s only Muzeti 250. (1983 GSX 250) Sweet lit­tle bike.

Classic of the Day. AJS 18.


Astronomy pic­ture. The eclipse shad­ow cone — I’ve nev­er seen this so clear­ly. No date?

Ordinary super­pow­ers. First off — I love the image that io9 chose to illus­trate this. Okay, so did you know that you can train your­self to rec­og­nize Haidinger’s Brush. This allows you to detect polar­ized light. Um, I’m not sure how this is actu­al­ly going to be use­ful to any­one, but hey, you nev­er know…

Personality isn’t as sim­ple as your high school guid­ance coun­selor told you when she gave the results of you Meyer-Briggs tests and sug­gest­ed that trade school was your best option. And any hope that there might be genet­ic basis for per­son­al­i­ty seems to have been squashed by these find­ings from Australia.

But most­ly the above arti­cle is a link to this piece in the New Yorker about Walter Mischel. The man behind the one marsh­mal­low now or two marsh­mal­lows lat­er exper­i­ments. And the follow-up work with the kinder­gart­ners who were his first subjects.

Art, Images, and Design

Photographer Mark Tucker is back from Tennessee and work­ing on the lat­est Jack Daniels commercials/ads. He’s pro­vid­ed some very nice pho­tographs and a cou­ple of “mak­ing of” video out­takes. If you watch the first video with the piglets turn the sound down — they squeal some­thing fierce.

Coralie Bickford-Smith is a book design­er for Penguins books. She is respon­si­ble for the jack­et and cloth bind­ings of the Penguin Classics series. Some of the loveli­est books to be pro­duced late­ly. Be sure to look at her work for the Red Classics Boys’ Adventures series as well.

Nicely done pic­tures from Tara Hunt’s pho­to stream of the New Zealand farm that served as the loca­tion for Hobbiton in the LoR movies. Door and win­dows are gone but the sheep have a place out of the rain.
