Morning Linkage (Apr 1)

As a trib­ute to my first read­ers and in thanks for their con­tin­u­ing sup­port for my efforts and brick­bats when I screw up…

The First Anniversary Fools Edition of Morning Linkage

From Susan Lenox’s vin­tage German illus­tra­tion stream. 1924, class act of lady and bike.

There’s some seri­ous war­bling and wob­bling going on here. Ann-Margret — Big Time. It’s a two-fer, an open air video shoot and the stage ver­sion that follows. ;-)

Especially for me! The best of every­thing: motor­bikes and Hello Kitty (Hell)

Our Lady of the Hot Pink Buick Riviera. Color pho­to with awe­some sauce.

Miles of mods. The Honda Chaly gets used, abused, and dressed up to play. Check out the “Ducati” cafe rac­er and the bob­ber with wire bas­ket fenders.

Girls, motor­cy­cles, and cat ears!

Girls, motor­cy­cles, drag­on ball.

More bike (less girl, sor­ry) But, oh my, those Italians know how to shoot a British bike in black and white… um, yeah — more scrambler.

thanks for a great year
