Morning Likage (Feb 18)


This is right and wrong in so many ways. Live action ani­me with an ice vil­lain and a super hero who trans­forms into a motor­cy­cle. Your patience will be reward­ed at 1:54 but no skip­ping ahead or you’ll miss much of the cheezy good­ness. (Video-Sound)

Why do Honda CBs make the best cus­tom cafe rac­ers? Here’s Whitehouse’s CB750. Click through to the Japanese web­sites for more eye candy.



There was a time when sci­ence was open to ded­i­cat­ed enthu­si­asts and those who had oth­er oblig­a­tions. Significant con­tri­bu­tions to the study of marine biol­o­gy in Japan were made by the Emperor.

I love cook­ies. You’ll love this huge col­lec­tion of sci­ence themed cook­ies too.


Art, Images, and Design

Welcoming the Year of the Tiger. A col­lec­tion of pho­tographs from the Big Picture.

And in hon­or of the year of the tiger. The win­ner of the 39th National Wildlife pho­to con­test (mam­mals, ama­teur) is a tiger pho­tographed by Subharghya Das. The com­plete set of winnners in all cat­e­gories is here.

Russian Constructivist N.P. Akimov did many posters for the­aters. This col­lec­tion scanned from a 1963 book shows some of his best work.

Nice Mardi Gras reminder from Stinkfish on a  wall in Bogata.

Using old books are sketch books isn’t new. But I haven’t seen a set that so sen­si­tive­ly incor­po­rates the text block into the sketch before. Simonetta Capecchi from Naples.

Just in case you need even more to look at, WebUrbanist has a round up post of Digital Artists new to them. Nicely diverse. You’re bound to find some­thing you like here.
