Morning Linkage (May 10)


52 side­car images. Worth a look if only to hit page down once and get the best gig­gle you’ll have all day. If you have tod­dlers in the house call them over to the screen first.

The math of rac­ing. In the end, it’s all about how fast can you go around the track and how fast the oth­er guys can go around the track. The lap times of Rossi, Pedrosa, and Lorenzo at the Jerez track in 2010 graphed. Look and learn.

An inter­est­ing, and vio­lent­ly green, cus­tom treat­ment of a Triumph as hot rod.

Science, Technology and Gadgets

The two or three times a day fin­ger pricks are a fact of life for many dia­bet­ics. There has been talk of skin implantable sen­sors for blood-glucose mon­i­tor­ing for a cou­ple of years. The first nano-sensor pro­to­type has been developed.

Space zom­bies… Uh oh. Galaxy 15 illus­trates the chal­lenges of man­ag­ing dead satellites.

Orange builds amps. Lots of amps, and they are all orange. All that orange… but this PC they’re build­ing is still sweet looking.

Art, Images, and Design

Animalarium’s Sunday Safaris are always worth a look. This one is a trib­ute to all the Tauri out there.

A col­lec­tion of stere­o­scopes. Including the Japanese ones from a month or so ago. The head­er image is great. There’s one stu­pid nude (a greasy girl on a cliff) mak­ing this oth­er­wise gig­gly, dizzy col­lec­tion NSFW.

A fas­ci­nat­ing bit of archi­tec­ture. What to do with the lit­tle old garage in the back yard? Move in. A garage rehab in Seattle that makes liv­ing in less that 300 square feet appeal­ing. Slide show and the sto­ry behind the rehab.

time and again we start out so well and end up.…
