Morning Linkage (Sep 28)

Bolt Lightning — weird­est drag­ster ever, pho­tograph­ing your bike, a cou­ple of lit­tle won­ders — XL250 and C100. New mate­ri­als for bone regrowth sup­port, bio­lu­mi­nes­cence — why is the water glow­ing? Toast! A clever tape dis­penser, tiny art on a pad­lock, and some seri­ous­ly night­mare induc­ing furniture.

Morning Linkage (Sep 27)

Mystery BWM, charm­ing TX650, Rossi’s hel­mets, comb jel­ly flu­id dynam­ics and the beau­ty of flesh eat­ing plants, div­ing off the pier, hot cider with a kick, a tour­bil­lon to lust for, El Mac por­traits in time lapse.