Morning Lnkage (Jul 7)

Good design:

I was mak­ing ster­ling cuffs in class a cou­ple of weeks ago. These are
way cooler.

How to make ubiq­ui­tous mate­ri­als inter­est­ing. Plywood that bends
around a cor­ner. And if I ever had to live in one room again I hope
these will be available.

Some guys are always cool. From one of my favorite occasionally
pub­lished blogs.

Things to see:

If you don’t know the films of Studio Ghibli you are miss­ing some
awe­some sto­ry telling. So on Aug 19th I will be the first in line to
see Miyazaki’s newest Ponyo. (Ping me if you need to catch up on his
ear­li­er work — I have most of it and movie nights are my fav.)

More aban­doned build­ings. This time an hos­pi­tal in East LA. Having
just read Gaiman’s Neverwhere it’s a lit­tle disconcerting.

Crop cir­cles are for ama­teurs. How about rice pad­dy art?


EME is one of the coolest ham radio activ­i­ties. What’s EME you ask?
Read an learn.

The ele­phant in the room is one of my sis­ter’s favorite say­ings. So
here’s to ele­phants and elec­tric cars and why they won’t be coming
soon to a depressed sub­urb near you.

Infrastructuralist brings us 4 cas­es of tear­ing down roads to make
traf­fic bet­ter. Followup arti­cles are promised. I’ll post them as they
show up.

Politics? Intellectual Activity? Academia?

Lisa Goldman reports on the Janet Maslin (in the NYT) call­ing Chris
Anderson “crass, lazy, and reck­less.” Mr. Anderson is quick­ly becoming
the ele­phant in the room of the next rev­o­lu­tion. I am not unhappy
about this.

Nothing crafty today, maybe Thursday.

And out with a silly.

New Gather Activity. Local too. (Link to boing-boing because I refuse
to link to King5.)
