I go away for a couple of days and the world pops out all these amazing bikes.
WrenchMonkees has been featured here a bunch recently. Danish design
is not generally associated with fab bikes — but here you are:
Cute SR500 by Speed Junkie. (Caution this is SFW, other things on this
site are NSFW — you have been warned.)
On a marketing blog. Delivery pizza by bike — with a countdown timer
on the top box.
From Bike EXIF. A good game of name that bike. A nice looking ride.
(The URL gives it away — sorry.)
A new two-wheel land speed record. I’ll post additional info as it shows up.
Apple makes me cranky again. The Apple Software Updater puts weird
stuff on my Windows machine. Nice to know I wasn’t imagining it.
Art and Images
Esquire Magazine had some incredible talent working for it from the
30s through the 60s. Here’s a collection of covers that display a
range of styles and techniques. SFW
Take a cardboard box. Unfold it. Make a character out of the shapes
you find. Fast and offhand.
Typography geek alert. An examination of the differences in letter
form between Helvetica and Arial. To get you thinking about the
subtleties of shape.
Art based on the Missed Connections category on Craig’s List. This
time sweet pastel drawings of imagined scenarios.
Old books and illustrations used to make symbolic birds that become
kites. A series of 100. I like Sputnik. You may prefer one of the
others. Charming.
off to the salt mines, the lot of you.
happy Monday