Morning Linkage (Sept 28)


I go away for a cou­ple of days and the world pops out all these amaz­ing bikes.

WrenchMonkees has been fea­tured here a bunch recent­ly. Danish design
is not gen­er­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with fab bikes — but here you are:

Cute SR500 by Speed Junkie. (Caution this is SFW, oth­er things on this
site are NSFW — you have been warned.)

On a mar­ket­ing blog. Delivery piz­za by bike — with a count­down timer
on the top box.

From Bike EXIF. A good game of name that bike. A nice look­ing ride.
(The URL gives it away — sorry.)

A new two-wheel land speed record. I’ll post addi­tion­al info as it shows up.


Apple makes me cranky again. The Apple Software Updater puts weird
stuff on my Windows machine. Nice to know I was­n’t imag­in­ing it.

Art and Images

Esquire Magazine had some incred­i­ble tal­ent work­ing for it from the
30s through the 60s. Here’s a col­lec­tion of cov­ers that dis­play a
range of styles and tech­niques. SFW

Take a card­board box. Unfold it. Make a char­ac­ter out of the shapes
you find. Fast and offhand.

Typography geek alert. An exam­i­na­tion of the dif­fer­ences in letter
form between Helvetica and Arial. To get you think­ing about the
sub­tleties of shape.

Art based on the Missed Connections cat­e­go­ry on Craig’s List. This
time sweet pas­tel draw­ings of imag­ined scenarios.

Old books and illus­tra­tions used to make sym­bol­ic birds that become
kites. A series of 100. I like Sputnik. You may pre­fer one of the
oth­ers. Charming.

off to the salt mines, the lot of you.

hap­py Monday
