Morning Linkage (Sept 2)

It’s a big list today. So many inter­est­ing things going on in the
world that beg to be logged.


German built H‑D side car rigs. Um, that’s weird.

There’s been lots of talk about the 747 tanker being used to fight the
fires in LA County. Here’s a round up of links to pics, videos, and
oth­er stuff. (Also a cou­ple of the old­er fly­ing boat that is way
cool­er looking.)


Culture (?)

News of the pur­chase of Marvel by Disney has the comics crowd howling.
Mostly in pain, but here’s a lit­tle of what’s lead­ing to laugh­ter in
the cheap seats.

Do you remem­ber the fam­i­ly tree of rock-n-roll that Jack Black drew
for his stu­dents in School of Rock? Here’s a sim­i­lar effort that
describes the evo­lu­tion of sci-fi themes on pop TV.

In case you need a refresh­er on the his­to­ry of rock, here’s a post
with a num­ber of genealo­gies includ­ing the famous blackboard.

eBooks and read­ers and copyright

iRiver’s US-bound read­er. Based on a Japanese mod­el with a built in
“comics mode.” Does this mean I can read graph­ic nov­els on it?

Google teams up with Interead to bring us cool­er­books and cool-er
read­ers. No one doubt­ed that Google meant to get into the sale of
copy­right books to go with it’s Google Books initiative.

Tucows, the unfor­tu­nate­ly named Canadian ISP (and more) has provided
David Weinberger with a chance to address the Canadian copyright
con­sul­ta­tion. David W pro­vides a read­able refu­ta­tion to the”: strong
copy­right pro­vides an incen­tive to cre­ate, weak copy­right is a
dis-incentive” argument.

Random Things that Made Me Smile

Plushy microbes. There are sev­er­al sets avail­able but this one seems
the ide­al gift for some­one you don’t quite like.

Cookie dough and ice cream are both good. Cookie dough and ice cream
togeth­er are great. Cookie dough and ice cream togeth­er shaped like
gyoza are… incred­i­bly clever.

An exten­sive gallery of beau­ti­ful chick­en coops. Mine is look­ing quite
tawdry by comparison.



Masakatsu Sashie’s orbs are float­ing col­lec­tion of life and living
space. Japanese sur­re­al­ism well done.

A selec­tion from Samantha Zaza’s large port­fo­lio. In this case, her
regal pigeons in uni­form. Yes, this is what pigeons see when they look
in the men­tal mirror.

If I had a win­ery I would want July Macuda’s naive paint­ings for my
bot­tle labels.

Something new. A video trail­er for a book, Scott Westerfeld’s latest
YA Leviathan. Visually it’s much steam-punky good­ness. The voice over
is all wrong.
