Morning Linkage (Oct 7)


Sweet CL350. Just because I like pret­ty things.

Sometimes it’s inter­est­ing to look at our sport from the outsider’s
per­spec­tive. Hypermotard is indeed a stu­pid word.

I keep find­ing cool insect based art and artifacts.

A lit­tle help for those dull stripes and such that lit­ter the
road­ways. Somewhat clever.



I once had a client who spent a lot of mon­ey employ­ing peo­ple in DC to
read the Federal Register to make sure that they did­n’t miss any
impor­tant bits of rule mak­ing. The FR is now xml enhanced and it’s
pos­si­ble to build RSS feeds of the results for spe­cif­ic queries. Do
you need to know every thing your gov­ern­ment has to say about bee hive
inspec­tion sched­ules? Daily updates!

The judi­cia­ry isn’t so open mind­ed about it’s pub­lic records. For
years PACER has been the way to get copies of fed­er­al court records.
At 8 cents/page. There are ongo­ing attempts to cap­ture these records
and move them into pub­licly search­able and free data­bas­es. The FBI
s. Really.



No need to read the lat­est genre fic­tion. A sum­ma­ry of all the
pos­si­ble plots is now avail­able. Chinese menu style plot gen­er­a­tor.


Art, Illustration, Images

Raul Allen’s work is much dif­fer­ent in tone from the loud, simplified
look cur­rent­ly in favor for illus­tra­tion work. This por­trait of a
is moody, detailed, and not false.

Watercolor and ink area sub­tle and dif­fi­cult to mas­ter. Charmagne Coe
uses the flow­ing uncon­trol­lable nature of the col­ors to good effect.

Another unlink­able flashy mon­ster. But try to fol­low along. On the
left side, click on the scream­ing girl. When the three books covers
appear, click on the left-most (chuck­ling what’s it) Then click on
Watch the Cartoon at the bot­tom. Wood block car­toon­ing. Very cool.
(audio vol­ume warning)

Robots and Monsters, you sup­ply three words and one of sev­er­al artists
draws you a cus­tom mon­ster. Your dona­tion goes to sup­port a good
cause, cur­rent­ly The best part is the time you get to spend
com­ing up with the per­fect three words.
