Morning Linkage (Oct 2)

Short List Day


FIAT Yamaha debut total­ly bor­ing new liv­ery this weekend.

Hardy a track can­di­date but very flow­ery.



Matt Burns mom has her own def­i­n­i­tion for lol. I think I“ll share her mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tion. (Hint: read the mes­sages start­ing at the bot­tom right.


Art and Images

Women have been mak­ing impor­tant (FSVO) art for a lot longer than your high school art his­to­ry class told you. Four Venetian women from the 16th/17th cen­tu­ry are briefly profiled.

You can’t be an illus­tra­tor with­out a flash web­site. Dean MacAdams makes the wait to load a gig­gle. Cheerful and zany. A good way to start the last day of the week.

see you on Monday
