Morning Linkage (Oct 14)


Wow, slow day. All I can give you is this. But hey, there are bikes in
the back­ground

If you’re more inter­est­ed in long dis­tance trav­el this Nat’l Geo
info-graphic is a nifty way to track 50 years of awe­some trips. CG has it
right, go straight to the flickr ver­sion for close-ups.



Is this for real? (Yes.) A plan to route elec­tric­i­ty between the
grids. The elec­tri­cal cable tech­nol­o­gy is very cool.


Art Architecture and What-Not

Reason num­ber 307 that I think the Olympics have got to go.
Architecture that would be unbe­liev­able in a mod­ern space opera.

Cigarette papers used to come in lit­tle, fan­tas­ti­cal­ly ornamented
book­lets. Explore art, sci­ence, and history.

Living up to my nick­name. But where the heck would I wear these
lus­cious­ly over the top boots?

A lit­tle back­ground for my obses­sion with street art and sten­cil­ing in
par­tic­u­lar. Banksy is now too com­mer­cial for most peo­ple but his
clas­sic moments were the source of hip illus­tra­tion and advertising
for a while.

Another sil­ly flash based, ran­dom plot gen­er­a­tor. It seems that I may
final­ly make my mil­lions by writ­ing a fish out of water tale set in an
under water cave. Uh huh.



I’d nev­er heard of the com­pos­er Vangelis. He wrote the Blade Runner
score.  And it turns out the back­ground for this steamy damn near
total­ly SFW scene from the Year of Living Dangerously.

More music. A weird upbeat song about being Already Dead. Pen and ink
paper cut outs with a clear nod to Edward Gorey. Can I say that a
video about being dead made me happy?

hap­py mid-week review
