I was all het up to be able to bring you pictures of the 2010 Ducati
Stradaperta. Okay, so now you know what the headlight looks like. Not good.
Life magazine brings you a collection of photographs of spacecraft
models. From the sweetly adorable NASA wooden lunar module that opens
the set to the needle shaped shuttle from When Worlds Collide
Art and Images
A review of xkcd: volume 0. Tons of people will be getting and giving
this comic collection for the holidays.
So you’re standing in Borders looking at the New Releases in Paperback
display, have you ever wondered where the art for the covers comes
from? There’s a guy in Russia who will create the cover art and
marketing images for your masterpiece, for $750. Here’s a gallery of
94 of his images. Mouse over the image for the title (in English) of
the book. You’ll recognize a lot of them.
Speaking of books, Mutt Ink has a new book out, There was an Old Lady.
Which leads us to his portfolio page for childrens books. Tasty lines,
muted color and sly humor.
Jen Lobo has a revamped website. Whimsical animal paintings that
reference familiar stories.
Cafe Racer Society brings us two of Ralph Steadman’s (of Hunter S
Thompson fame) images featuring motorcycles.
Mike Stillkey has new work that sits happily next to Steadman’s
caricatures. Angular, angsty people living in a not quite hostile
world. His cats look sleek and curious.
Milton Glaser talks about drawing as a way of observing the
world, while drawing a portrait. He starts with the eyebrows. hmmm.
Laugh out loud funny. A love story about two squid (and skinny
delivery driver.) French short film that was nominated for an Oscar.
Stormy Tuesday? That’s not quite right.