Spe­cial Sat­ur­day Edition


Can’t get enough of the big Duc’s iden­ti­ty cri­sis? Now it wants to be
a GS and go out to play in the dirt on Saturday.

Top­speed has un-watermarked copies of the pix in res­o­lu­tions suitable
for your win­ter desk­top wall­pa­per.

Ducati North Beach had a take your pic­ture with the Ducati umbrel­la
event a cou­ple of weeks ago. There’s a cou­ple of odd four wheel
vehi­cles in the stream as well.

How not to treat your scoot­er.

What to do with a well worn ves­pa. This is the sec­ond seriously
rockin’ rock­ing horse I’ve shown you all. Maybe I need to do a theme post?

The Hon­da Ruckus, ide­al plat­form for per­son­al expression.



Lisa Gold once again pro­vides a round up of the lat­est on the Google
Books set­tle­ment. It’s look­ing more and more like an up-settlement.
Includes a link to the Slate arti­cle “Ser­gy Brin Blows Smoke Up Your Ass.”


Esquire Mag­a­zine a look at the Creech Air Force Base home of the remote
fly­ers of the 42nd Attack Squadron. The men and women who remotely
pilot the Reaper and Preda­tor UAVs. The slide into war by joystick
fright­ens me.



Total­ly cute hood­ie idea. Mouth­man hood­ies that change when you cross your arms.

Con­tes absur­des, absurd sto­ries. Illus­trat­ed in ink and water­col­or by
Lou Beauchesne.

Annie Lebowitz is a tal­ent­ed por­traitist. These adver­tis­ing images for
Dis­ney from 2007–2008 are unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly flat except for the sly irony with
which she casts the celebri­ties as Dis­ney characters.

Sin­is­ter. Unset­tling.

Love­ly pack­ag­ing fea­tur­ing mega-fauna of cof­fee grow­ing regions. (Yes,
I saw the surfer. I’ll stick to my characterization.)


Math Video

No groan­ing. A clever ani­mat­ed expla­na­tion of some of the cal­cu­la­tions
involv­ing pi
