Morning Linkage (Nov 24)


A nice­ly done Harley from Denmark. The cop­per bits are dif­fer­ent. How
does such a lit­tle coun­try man­age to have so may tal­ent­ed builders?

From a clas­sic and exot­ic car shop in Australia comes a well
doc­u­ment­ed 1966 Lambretta LI 125 Series 2.

Amid a col­lec­tion of col­lectible fur­ni­ture are these gems. Clown
. Made me smile.

Functional moto fash­ion isn’t exact­ly the height of style but this
pair of pants (patent­ed nat­u­ral­ly) is about as dorky as you can get.
The patent illus­tra­tion has a cer­tain something…

Abstract but instant­ly recognizable.

Another one for the Christmas list. Your bike illus­trat­ed. Cay
Broendum does love­ly work with pen and water­col­ors. (via Wrench
Monkees who advise that if you haven’t got a pic­ture wor­thy bike you
use any of theirs.)



The “art” cake is get­ting a lit­tle old but some­times they’re just too
fun­ny, The clas­sic wed­ding cake rein­ter­pret­ed for the end of the



For any­one who has­n’t seen it yet. The Big Picture presents the Nat.
Geo. 2009 Photo of the Year can­di­dates. Yawn.


Art, Images, and Paper

How to kill an idea. It took me quite a while to find a full size
ver­sion of this image. Why so hard? No artist attri­bu­tion in the first
3 pages I found it on. (Scott Campbell)

Cartoonish mon­sters with unex­pect­ed back­ground ele­ments. Giggle
wor­thy. (James (Jimbot) Demski)

Another illus­tra­tor in the whim­si­cal chil­dren’s car­toon style. Why
don’t I have a good name for this?  (Chris “Elio” Eliopoulos)

Kevin Kidney works in paper build­ing low relief sculp­tures among oth­er things.

A lit­tle crea­ture with a cute over­ly large skull rides a hummingbird.
No real­ly, go look. It’s not near­ly as unre­lent­ing­ly sweet as you
think. (Mike Mitchell)

Me and my hang­over are going away now.…
