Morning Linkage (Nov 23)


This Cook Custom caught my eye this morn­ing. It is far more to the
chop­per side of the cus­tom mar­ket than I am usu­al­ly drawn to but good
is good, no mat­ter the genre.

The pho­tog­ra­ph­er respon­si­ble for the above shot is Colleen Swartz at
Digital Magic BigShots. Her Bikes and Builders port­fo­lios are
excel­lent. The Girls port­fo­lio may or may not be NSFW depend­ing on
where you work — no nudes but lots of biki­ni clad women straddling
bikes. (Music warning)

Photos of our fore­fa­thers (and fore­moth­ers) with their bikes are
pre­cious treasures.

VW preps a Tuareg for the Paris-Dakar. Ignore the P‑D as ulti­mate test
of man and machine hyper­bole and just ogle the pics.



The most beau­ti­ful image of the day comes from the Woods Hole Census
of Marine Life.


Technology (and Culture)

Ariana rants again. This time explain­ing cogent­ly why the blogs are
not a medi­um for con­ver­sa­tions. Her dig at the
owning-friends/reputation econ­o­my is nice too.


Photography (and Culture)

The Lives They Left Behind  is an on-line explo­ration of the lives of
9 peo­ple who spent the major­i­ty of their lives insti­tu­tion­al­ized. They
lives are read from the records of the Willard Psychiatric Center in
New York and the con­tents of the suitcase(s) that they brought with
them when they entered. Beautifully pho­tographed and well documented.
Overwhelmingly melancholy.

Early Japanese stere­ograms by T. Enami. Fascinating. (And tons more
vin­tage Japanese images in Okinawa Soba’s photostream.)

To get an idea of what these might look like if you had a proper
view­er you can look at these headache induc­ing sim­u­la­tions.


Art, Images, and Design

A cute jump from what you see every­day (star­lings on pow­er lines) to
what you can have in your back­yard (a clothes­line.)

Red and white cir­cle traf­fic signs line the streets of European
cities. In Lyon, the Panos project installed dozens of signs cre­at­ed by artists
from around the world. Some of these are very clever or fun­ny. A
cou­ple are unin­tel­li­gi­ble, at least to me.

Children’s book illus­tra­tor Heather Powers post­ed two illustrations
(in two col­or­ways.) The adorable lit­tle squir­rel (?) is includ­ed here
most­ly because she looks like she’s rid­ing a moto in one.

Anansi is an African trick­ster fig­ure. He’s also the theme of the 2008
Figures Futur. I love this image of Anansi et la Mort from Stephane

A some­what sim­i­lar fla­vor runs through the work of Mayo Nmg.  Flash
but just click on the image for anoth­er image. Also a flickr set.



A 3‑D ani­ma­tion that shows what it would be like to live on an Earth
that had Saturn-like rings.


Out The Door

Apropos the recent dis­cus­sion of clas­sics of Jazz. Mr. Ellington.

Happy Monday campers.
