Morning LInkage (Nov 25)


Custom body­work tak­en to an extreme. In beau­ti­ful 1950 styling.

A very brief ani­ma­tion of a con­cept bike explod­ing into planes. A cou­ple of the late stage stills are eye catching.


Science, Tech

Attempts to com­mu­ni­cate with our future alien over­lords always seem ridicu­lous­ly human biased to me. This effort is a lit­tle less so in that it starts from some of the basics of physics and chem­istry that we think hold true through out the uni­verse. We could be wrong of course…

T‑Shirt favorite from the Geek trin­ket experts at ThinkGeek. Zoom for a cod­ed gig­gle.


Objects, Design

Jim’s been bak­ing pump­kin pies. We’ve had a cou­ple of dis­as­ters car­ry­ing them to the par­ty in the past. Perhaps one of these  two solu­tions will help.

This ‘media cart’ is gor­geous. But for the price I can buy a cou­ple of you guys welders and a glass cut­ter and we can go into busi­ness for ourselves.

Equally over­priced are these new suites at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas. Pimp-tastic.


Art, Images, Animation

Nudes in oil are not the denier cri. That’s too bad because there is some excel­lent work being done. Case in point Simon Birch. (NSFW)

If you’re feel­ing in a do-it-yourself lit­er­ary mood you could start with this let­ter­press print by Tom Gauld — Characters for an Epic Tale.

I’m sure the wankers at 20th Cent Fox (irony alert)  are going to come call­ing for Georgie Fearns’ client over this sly logo for a PA/copywriter. But I’d so use it if I my last name was Fox.

Fantastic mod­ern take on clas­sic Japanese screens and scrolls. I need more walls.

For those of you who have been dig­ging the Jim Flora work I’ve been link­ing to here’s anoth­er artist work­ing out the bebop good­ness.

Christian Robinson works in a lot of media includ­ing white­board and he sells sweet lit­tle col­lages on line. But it’s the paper cutout ani­ma­tion that grabs me. Here’s Dinosaur Song based on the chil­dren’s poem by Daria Tessler.


Video on the Way Out the Door

Deanna threw this up on FB in the ear­ly AM. Girl works weird hours. The Sesame Street anniver­sary is bring­ing all kinds of Henson mad­ness to the top of the heap. Here the Muppets do Bohemian Rhapsody. Sing along — you know you want to.

Now get on back into the kitchen — we all got a feast to prepare.

