Morning Linkage (May 13)

And we were all snick­er­ing at the park­ing cops on segways…

A gallery of the cov­ers of the jour­nal Advanced Materials. Click to
embiggen. Read the issue sum­maries to dis­cov­er that you know
absolute­ly nothing.

Sometimes the answer to nasty mate­ri­als is not to dis­pose of them but
to reuse them. I say it’s more than sort of sustainable.

A good sum­ma­ry of the chaos in Guatemala caused by the death of lawyer
Rodrigo Rosenberg. Social medi­a’s role in this cri­sis is big. (I hate
the term social media.)

If you’re post­ing video to one of the video shar­ing sites you might
want to have a look at Markus Weiland’s review of their
ownership/copyright/privacy poli­cies. (Do they own your video?) Anyone
know of a sim­i­lar overview of the terms of use for the pho­to sharing

For WordPress users a col­lec­tion of hacks tak­ing advan­tage of custom
fields. I par­tic­u­lar­ly like the first one — post expi­ra­tion dates. (I
have not had time nor incli­na­tion to look care­ful­ly at all the code.
Use at your own risk.)

Distributed trans­la­tion efforts for TED talks. There’s also supposed
to be a new trick in the tran­scripts. Select a bit of text and go
direct­ly to that por­tion of the video. Haven’t found it yet. Will

Neil Giaman reminds us that we do not own the right to an author’s
future out­put just because we bought the first book in a series. Some
days he just makes me nod my head and smile.

Unintended coin­ci­dence. Tomorrow I leave to cross the coun­try. May
14th also marks the 205th anniver­sary of the begin­ning of Lewis and
Clark’s cross coun­try trek.

Zen image of the day.

This is like­ly to be the last Morning Linkage until I return from the road.
Occasional trip reports to WL or fol­low along dai­ly with words and pic­tures on:
