Morning Linkage (Dec 4)



Motocrosser with sad­dle bags? Really con­fus­ing, and cool at the same time . Watch the video, but turn the sound waaay down first.

Because I love you all so very much and you should all be as hap­py as the com­muters in this 1958 Disney vision of the future of trans­porta­tion. Really.



Tedders sent this one over. The back­lash against over parenting.

Modern pira­cy is a busi­ness. Now with it’s own man­aged risk invest­ment pools.

Rinderpest isn’t some­thing that has ever made the head­lines in the USA. A cat­tle dis­ease relat­ed to measles (weird huh?) kills wide­ly and quick­ly. Make that killed. Rinderpest is set to become only the sec­ond dis­ease to be erad­i­cat­ed by human effort.



Cool clock and the kit/instructions for mak­ing same.  Tell time with the shad­ows cre­at­ed by a cen­ter pin and LEDs. Come on y’all, Christmas break is com­ing up and you know you need projects.

More cool. Salt and pep­per shak­ers that will not bore you or make any­one squeee.

Story cards. Low tech sto­ry telling. Calvino’s Castle of Crossed Destinies for the 2+ crowd.


Art and Images.

Last week was Thanksgiving and the Macy’s parade. Here are a cou­ple of quick sketch­es done the day before as the bal­loons were being prepped.

Will Einser, one of the great ones. Golden Age Comic Book Stories brings a col­lec­tion of “splash” pages to the front line.



Woolworth was nev­er real­ly cool. But they sure tried hard. The 1971 LP sale, as seen on TV.
