There’s a couple too many tarty bits and he should have taken the passenger pegs off, but this is my fav Bonneville treatment to date. There’s a good picture, some info on the BellaCorse site (last entry), and a few more details scrounged up by MCN.
The ultimate in bike mounted cameras. This is how they get those close-up at-speed asphalt shots.
Tempest in a teapot or egregious theft of ideas? FIM now has it’s own electric bike racing series. Did they steal it from TTXGP?
Technology — Security
Who is responsible for the safety of your credit card data as it travels through the labyrinth from card swipe to your monthly bill? Several restaurants that lost a bundle of cash due to the inadequate security of their POS system would like the system creators to be held responsible for their blunders.
The telcos, Sprint in particular, are making it trivial for LEOs to look up your location data as provided by your cell phone. No warrant required, no oversight provided. It’s starting to hit some of the blogs and the topic may take off later this week. This is the original research by Christopher Soghoian.
Missing limbs are being replaced by increasingly sophisticated prosthetics. A look at the past, present, and future technology of artificial limbs. I think the pictures are beautiful, your tolerance for images of combining of human and machine may differ.
The British Royal Society released full scans of 60 seminal scientific papers. Including the 1671: “A Letter of Mr. Isaac Newton, Professor of the Mathematicks in the University of Cambridge; Containing His New Theory about Light and Colors” and Edward Bullard’s 1965 “The Fit of the Continents Around the Atlantic” which provided a crucial boost to the theory of plate tectonics. Wired Science discussed these and others and provides a link to the full set.
Art, Images, and Design
I will pay (in cookies) someone to make me a good sized vector version of the logo on this otherwise hideous car.
These characters and their rambling back story weird me out in a happy way.
These cheap chic graphics by Christine Celic for Mudslinger Coffee in Greenville NC are rockin’.
Yeah, I know you all hate twitter. But if you gotta go there I suggest one of these clever avatars from Adam Korford. I’m torn between the Wild Things monster and Linus with his blanket.
Turkish beer cans turned into fab sculptures including a moto.
Rusty robots. Detail shots and the place to buy.
Dracula cha-cha. I kid you not.
More tomorrow dearies.