Morning Linkage (Dec 14)


Indonesia born Charles Burki did illus­tra­tions in the 30’s and 40’s.
Vintagent brings us a cou­ple of Norton’s done from mem­o­ry while he was
held in a Japanese prison camp.

There’s a flickr pho­to­stream for every inter­est includ­ing Citroens.
This old van is unla­beled but cool in a rusty old way.

A much nicer old (style) truck is this bike hauler. (Also from Vintagent.)

Total Moto pr0n video. How the MV Agusta Brutale chas­sis goes togeth­er. And
the engine video as well. Say good­bye to your cof­fee break.



Last week I told you about Google Earth’s new tools for look­ing at
satel­lite pic­tures and track­ing eco­log­i­cal changes. The num­ber of
trees lost isn’t the only thing turn­ing up in the images. An entire
pre­vi­ous­ly unknown ancient civ­i­liza­tion has emerged.

Barbie famous­ly com­plained that “Math is hard” at least she didn’t
have an ele­phant in the class­room to dis­tract her. Giggle.



Another sal­vo in the war of con­tent own­ers on their customers.
Objections are being raised to treaty terms that would help to
guar­an­tee access to books in alter­nate for­mats for the blind. Claiming
that it would “begin to dis­man­tle the exist­ing glob­al treaty structure
of copy­right law.” The exist­ing struc­ture serves nei­ther cre­ators nor
audi­ence so why would I wor­ry about it’s demise?


Art, Image and Design

Bakelite was (arguably) the first com­mer­cial plas­tic. Unlike most of
today’s plas­tics Bakelite improves with age. These brooches from the
col­lec­tion of Susan Kelner Freeman are for sale at Bonhams.

Tim Biskup is open­ing anoth­er show in Spain. The poster alone is
wor­thy of wall space.

Salvage sculp­ture takes a new turn when Miguel Rivera guts dead hard
dri­ves for their com­po­nents and cre­ates new objects. The moto is
fea­tured in the sec­ond image.

I am mor­ti­fied at hav­ing to present you with some­thing lodged on a
site called “wed­ding bee pro” but the Moyle sis­ters have the nicest
round up of images from the mid-century team of Alice and Martin
. (The sis­ters’ design work does­n’t suck either. I’m just a
lit­tle too expe­ri­enced to find wed­ding graph­ics charming.)

Ryan Berkley, a set of prints of anthro­po­mor­phic vil­lage characters.
Very British, very wonderful.

Something a lit­tle dif­fer­ent from the usu­al Urban Sketchers style.
Suggestive line work and loose col­or­ing. Views from the bus.

Annie Wu’s the­sis mate­r­i­al, quirky posters for imag­i­nary movies and
prod­ucts. Spaghetti Western meets Trigun with a lit­tle David Lynch
thrown in. Sort of.

Fabulous cut paper illus­tra­tions by Maurizio Santucci.

Get Back to Work is a stream of unat­trib­uted eye can­dy. Tank G’s
ori­gin isn’t eas­i­ly found on the web, but I’m not giv­ing up. There’s
got to be more of this good stuff.



Turn off the sound. Now go here and build a robot.  You might want to
turn the sound back on when you make your robot dance. The tracks are
cho­sen with a wink.

Get back to work…
