Morning Linkage (Aug 28)


Boeing’s Scan Eagle UAV gets put to civil­ian use dur­ing the Alaska
wild fire sea­son. Video of the launch and recov­ery with infra-red fire
spot­ting footage. Verra cool.

This is the most unfor­tu­nate col­or scheme for a bike I have ever seen.
Even John Deere gets the accent col­or for a green vehi­cle righter than
this. There’s a link for the real™ paint scheme in the blurb if you
need an eye cleanser.

Aaron Hughes designed a sta­tion wag­on for Ford dur­ing a college
intern­ship. It looks sus­pi­cious­ly Volvo like. I like seeing
spec­u­la­tive vehi­cle design that is plau­si­ble. His oth­er sets are good



The pint glass is an endan­gered species. The plas­tic replace­ment is
dread­ed and loathed. Vert Design, work­ing for Fosters, has made a
fair­ly suc­cess­ful ver­sion. Here’s a descrip­tion of the glass and the
think­ing that went into it’s design.

Transistor radios were the iPods of the day and exhib­it­ed the same
for­ward look­ing design.  This flickr stream has 100s of pho­tos of
tran­sis­tor radios. Awesome.

The Museum of Broken Relationships is a Croatian project documenting
bro­ken rela­tion­ships through arti­facts. It’s weird and not terribly
com­pelling (to me.) But this user inter­face for brows­ing the online
col­lec­tion has me fascinated.



A Top 10 list of pigs. Contains my two favorites.


Images and Illustration

Theodoru has new pic­tures on the front page. Flash makes it impossible
to link to my fav. 7th from the top. This is what cre­ation really
looked like. I’m smiling.

Ramadan has begun and The Big Picture brings us pho­tographs. Check #33
for a breath­tak­ing shot of the moon. And all the desserts you can
dream of.

The waifish fash­ion mod­el is one of our soci­ety’s sick­ness­es. Crystal
Renn was one and now she’s not. She talks about get­ting back to being
her­self in this arti­cle. (Yes, I agree with you all that a size 12 is
not a “plus” size for some­one that tall.)

Just to prove that Crystal Renn is gor­geous here are two pho­to sets. NSWF.

Matt Jones. I’m hav­ing trou­ble find­ing the orig­i­nals of these. NSFW — nudes

From a Polish? site. The guy/gal has great taste in both women and
pho­tographs. NSFW — nudes.

I’m out­ta here til Monday. Have a great weekend.
