Morning Linkage (Aug 31)

Design and Arti­facts From Tokyo, a round up of Good Design 2009 win­ners. The auto­mat­ic meat fresh­ness indi­ca­tor is clever and use­ful. I want a cou­ple of the lamps list­ed sec­ond. There’s cute, clever, and head scratch­ing fur­ther on. I love tea in the morn­ing. The joy of watch­ing this lit­tle shark float around in my cup would … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 28)

Trans­porta­tion Boe­ing’s Scan Eagle UAV gets put to civil­ian use dur­ing the Alas­ka wild fire sea­son. Video of the launch and recov­ery with infra-red fire spot­ting footage. Ver­ra cool. This is the most unfor­tu­nate col­or scheme for a bike I have ever seen. Even John Deere gets the accent col­or for a green vehi­cle righter than … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 27)

Trans­port Did you know that the wheel­ie was invent­ed by some guy on bicy­cle who was try­ing to fright­en a horse? Okay it’s just a draw­ing but it’s a gig­gle. OMG that’s fug­ly. Auto­topia cap­tion con­test. And the cap­tions are lame. OMG that is *not* fug­ly. Swoon. —————- Objects of Design There were eight win­ners in … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 25)

Trans­porta­tion The scram­bler is a great idea for a week­end toy. Here Tourat­e­ch cre­ates a mod­ern take on the theme using a BMW F800. Tex­ting and dri­ving is a bad idea. How can any­one think that build­ing traf­fic mashups while on the go is a good idea. ——————— Sci­ence Sunspots and solar mag­net­ic changes fascinate … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 24)

Tech­nol­o­gy Just in case there’s any­one who has­n’t seen this infor­ma­tion on extend­ing the win7 tri­al peri­od. There’s a new lap­top in my future. I just wish it could be this one. A built in graph­ic tablet would mean one less piece of hard­ware to try to find a space for when I’m on the road. ———————– …