shiny things in messy little piles

Month: July 2009 (Page 1 of 4)

Morning Linkage (Jul 31)

Every­one is enti­tled to an opinion:

Gor­geous pic­ture of a crap bike.

Crap pic­ture of a gor­geous bike.


On August 26th the Mini Coop­er will be 50 years old. Forbes put up a
nice lit­tle slide show.


Repur­posed fur­ni­ture (com­po­nents). Does some­one have a bet­ter word
than repur­posed? It’s so made up.

Cold frames from the As-Is depart­ment at IKEA.

Sweet aviary from a bust­ed up wardrobe.


Some nice black and white art — book plates. Ein­stein’s is at the bottom.

More nice black and white art — Sty­ro­foam cof­fee cups. No, really.


The IDEA awards for 2009 are out.These three pages give you little
links to all the prod­ucts. As usu­al, the stuff award­ed sil­ver and
bronze is much more inter­est­ing that the stuff giv­en gold medals.


Print Mag­a­zine gave four design firms a brief to design pack­ag­ing for
legal­ized mar­i­jua­na. The results are droll at best. Here’s a link to
cov­er­age from Fast Com­pa­ny that does a much bet­ter job of reviewing
the results than Print does on it’s very borked website.


The three lit­tle pigs would­n’t have stood a chance if the big bad wolf
had one of these. A vor­tex canon. Gath­er fun pro­pos­al #37. (Just
kid­ding.) Bonus mak­ing of video included.


Off to read Freak Angels episode 63. (You’ll need days to catch up but
it’s worth it if you like dark.)

Morning Linkage (Jul 30)

Two from Scheier on the recent­ly dis­cussed top­ic of cloud computing
and stor­age. I find the com­ments on his blog to be of high­er quality
than most.

Sum­ma­ry of Kamin­sky’s talk on the SSL cert spoof­ing. Clear­er than most.

As if you could­n’t tell it’s Def­Con time. I’ve been fas­ci­nat­ed by the
hack­able badges of the last cou­ple of years. Here’s a pre­view of this
year’s badge and a link to the source code.

There have been some great musi­cal guests on Sesame street. So after
all that scary tech stuff a lit­tle some­thing to remind you of what it
“tastes like being poor and small and Pop­si­cles in summer.”

Morning Linkage (Jul 29)

Start­ing with some archi­tec­ture. 10 class­rooms designed specifically
to meet the chal­lenges of 10 sites and com­mu­ni­ties. The promise of
loca­tion appro­pri­ate archi­tec­ture ful­filled. (Most­ly — no one’s

A mate­ri­als data­base site that is wicked fun to explore. You’ll want
to start projects just to use some of this stuff.

Some paint­ings that I find appeal­ing. Air­borne architecture?

A nice exam­ple of mak­ing num­bers come alive. I don’t know why
Hell­man’s (mayo) is back­ing an eat local cam­paign in Cana­da but I’m
not going to com­plain much about some­thing that makes the imported
food indus­try look less appeal­ing. (yeah it’s flash.)

After that attempt to use illus­tra­tions to make some­thing clear.
Here’s Christo­pher Nie­man­n’s attempt­ing to make the often muddled
process of mak­ing an illus­tra­tion, well, mud­dled. It’s fun­ny, trust

Boing-boing pro­vides a rather coher­ent giv­en the top­ic sum­ma­ry of the
AP’s recent­ly announced DRM-for-news scheme.
And a link to the sav­age remix of the AP’s illus­tra­tion. (NSWF if your
boss is look­ing over your shoul­der or you work for a ‘news outlet’.

A news out­let that gets it right. NPR has a sub­tle but powerful
redesign for it’s site. Bet­ter look­ing, eas­i­er to use, excel­lent seek
and find tools… Nice.

In the last cou­ple of days I’ve seen a lot of high-concept fashion
pho­tog­ra­phy. It leaves me cold. This pho­to­graph of Richard Avedon
work­ing does not.

Apple and the iPhone are begin­ning to look stu­pid­ly conflicted.

Here they are killing a Google Voice app at the behest of AT&T. Who’s
wear­ing the pants in that rela­tion­ship anyway?‑v.html

And here Apple is mak­ing some real­ly far-fetched claims about risks to
the cell net­work from jail-broken iPhones. Trans­par­ent attempt to
retain con­trol over the device in the face of upcom­ing FCC looking
into the state of the rela­tion­ship between hand­set man­u­fac­tur­ers and
car­ri­ers duly not­ed. And yawned over.

Much nicer apples. Sweet post-it notes from a Japan­ese design firm.
(No I can’t fig­ure out where to buy them. Some­one was very patient to
have sift­ed through he design­ers’ unus­able web­site to find these.)

stay cool,

Morning Linkage (Jul 28)

If you don’t go any fur­ther this morn­ing, go here. Not only is this
exhib­it on the top­ic of gov­ern­ment pro­pa­gan­da time­less but the
pro­duc­tion val­ues for the web­site encour­age exact­ly the kind of
explo­ration the top­ic deserves.

On with the show.

What to do with a sane but ugly vehi­cle. Smart TwoTip­ping. Because
there aren’t enough cows in Ams­ter­dam for a prop­er round of cow

A nicer design for an insane sport. Ice rac­ing. The video linked at
the bot­tom isn’t worth your time.

From the sleek to the ungain­ly. You all have seen the EVE and all the
oth­er hot machines from Oshkosh. Here’s my favorite. Elvis.

Elvis is entire­ly func­tion­al design and ugly as sin. Here’s a bit of
func­tion­al design that’s eas­i­er on the eyes. The ori­gin and mean­ing of
the TV test pattern.

Because the blue rat is cute and the arti­cle con­tains the following
quote: “One of the rea­sons no one had done this before is that food
sci­ence is very sep­a­rate from neu­ro­science,” PETA rants will be

On to the arts:

Three short sto­ries from the Big Pic­ture. The first one about a bride
cross­ing the Israeli-Syrian bor­der is manip­u­la­tive IMO. The second
about the plight of albi­nos in Tan­za­nia is trag­ic and under reported
except as a “in odd news today” way. The third sto­ry — the one I’d
real­ly like to link to sep­a­rate­ly — is about the “Sea Gyp­sies” in
Bor­neo. So damned much smil­ing in one place. You can’t help but have a
bet­ter day.

Mer­ce Cun­ning­ham has died at the age of 90.

I was all up for grab­bing a plane down to LA tomor­row for the Secret
Iden­ti­ty: (The Fetish Art of Super­man’s Co-Creator Joe Shus­ter) Party.
Until I saw that I’d have to deal with the past their pull by date
Sui­cide Girls. I’ll just post a book review when my copy gets here.

Here’s a pho­tog­ra­ph­er Madame Peripetie (prac­ti­cal­ly anony­mous) whose
work I find intrigu­ing but often inex­plic­a­ble, per­haps dense beyond my

Not my design but going on the stu­dio wall as an inspriation.

And to leave you hap­py. Mau­rice Sendak talks to/about Spike Jonze
mak­ing where the Wild Things Are.

More tomor­row,

Morning Linkage (Jul 27)

Start­ing Mon­day out with beer:

A list of 10 very old com­pa­nies. 3 of them are brew­eries, found­ed in
1040, 1074, and the new com­er in 1328. There’s also a hotel/restaurant
that’s been serv­ing beer for more than 1000 years.

On to motorcycles.

I like the lived in look of this Wrench­mon­kee’s Moto Guzzi.

We need to get one of these for­pass­ing around to the younger generation.

Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­er­ty: Two impor­tant bits this morning.

On patent­ing plant mate­ri­als. Lar­ry Proc­tor has lost the first round
in his attempt to main­tain a ridicu­lous patent he duped the US Patent
office into giv­ing him on the com­mon sta­ple (in some Latin American
areas) azufra­do or May­oco­ba bean.

The Swedish Pirate Par­ty is gain­ing legs in Europe and mak­ing small
inroads into the USA. Copy­right reform is, of course, onthe big planks
in thi­er plat­form. (Does any­one else use that metaphor anymore?)
Richard Stall­man has pub­lished a piece on how the pro­posed 5 year
copy­right lim­it might adverse­ly affect the GNU (copy­left) licensing.

Ars com­ments intel­li­gent­ly on Stall­man’s argument.

And the best kind of pirates. Les­bian Space Pirates! Joce­lyn turned me
on to this com­ic when she post­ed a link to this shoe lament. SWF (If
you decide to read fur­ther, and you should, some bits are NSFW.)

A cou­ple of inter­est­ing sets of archives.

A col­lec­tion of resources on the Eugen­ics move­ment in the USA. This
lit­tle rec­og­nized move­ment has chill­ing lessons to teach about the
urge to pre­scribe what’s best for every­one else.

On a less ter­ri­fy­ing note. Duke uni­ver­si­ty has opened the John Hartman
Cen­ter’s Archive of ads from the 50’s through the 80s cre­at­ed by the
D’Ar­cy Masius Ben­ton & Bowles agency. I expect to see a lot of these
turn­ing up on the ‘net real-soon-now. Requires iTunes — sorry.

Speak­ing of iTunes and Apple’s rumored tablet. The thing I miss most
about buy­ing music on-line is album art and lin­er notes. Especially
lin­er notes. Apple may fix that. Not quite enough moti­va­tion for me to
buy an Apple com­put­er but close. Link to arti­cle about the Tablet is
behind a reg­is­tra­tion wall at the Finan­cial Times. Boo.

On books and what­not. The argu­ment about how to arrange the books has
unset­tled many a mar­riage. Well not mine but I’m a trained librarian
so I have an auto­mat­ic win on this one. How do two librar­i­ans manage?
Read the com­ments too.

Images for today.

War­ren Ellis pro­vides a link to a trail­er for the Asian ani­me version
of wolver­ine. Very ani­me, not very mar­vel. Judge for yourself.

Best. Slash pic­ture. Ever. Every pos­si­ble cliche in one draw­ing. (if
you don’t know what it means don’t ask — it’s total­ly squick)

I had a ter­ri­ble time last night fig­ur­ing out what to eat this week
that would­n’t require either heat­ing up the house with the stove or
get­ting burnt to a crisp try­ing to BBQ in the heat. Sal­ad is often
good but lacks pro­tein. Here’s a nice look­ing sal­ad that won’t turn
you into a rab­bit. (Fry the bacon and boil the eggs ear­ly in the day.)

That’s it for today.

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