rebuilding an array without unused elements

the weath­er station/software gen­er­ates a csv file of that col­lects val­ues from the sen­sors every 20 min­utes. it’s not a very nice file — it con­tains all the pos­si­ble val­ues (if you where using all the avail­able sen­sor chan­nels) for me that means that 49 of the fields are unnec­es­sary and do not exist in the … 

Moving house

Intellectually rather than phys­i­cal­ly. That is.  It no longer makes sense to have two blogs.  All the tech/info design/geeky stuff that I’ve been involved in the past three months has been tied to my art, Jim’s pho­tographs, or the small bits of the web for which I am the cus­to­di­an. Making it most rel­e­vant to my more …