
Arithmetic beside our dai­ly livescon­crete rit­u­als enrap­ture lovedesires like so many Lego bricks erect­ed we fin­ish build­ing our­grow­ing col­lec­tion of voodoo fig­uri­ne­shap­less hope­less held up by anig­no­rant God with­out jok­ers in the tarot deck­kept semi-comatose in the­lock up behind the mini-martnobody can say whoopened the gates or whopinned back yesterday’squandaryright now today­surren­der to the surgeon … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 8)

Vintage bikes under Paris, Station wag­ons — some are cool, crypto­forestry, giant crab sheds it’s shell, Play Me I’m Yours, Peskimo does munchins for Mozilla, Ellis Nadler’s Cards of Wu will make the lit­tle hairs on your neck stand up, Hobbit in Russian.