I Believe (after Ron Shelton)

I believe in the image, the line, the stan­za, the iambic foot, the per­fect word. Assonance, slant rhymes, that the for­mal forms still have a place in mod­ern poet­ry. I believe that Shakespeare wrote the plays. I believe in a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment out­law­ing poet­ry about poet­ry and the use of the word “suf­fuse.” I believe … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 5)

VW bus­es — split win­dow styling, vin­tage bikes do endurance, leanin’ on the track. Righthaven final­ly gets sued back. People and their pos­ses­sions — the world in the 90’s, chi­na in the 2000’s. High-Def old mas­ters — amaz­ing detail. and A1One does a print and plants a can.