ode to the letter b

ode to the let­ter bnot the begin­ningof the alpha- bet­but some­where at its head.perhaps lev­el with the eye­browswild whip­ping­bushy bla­tant­ly untamed­eye browsEinstein had noth­ing on the brav­ery of her eye browsshe blows bat­ters the shut­ters we have failed to bat­ten­down on Sunday morn­ing and we return to blue­ber­riespiebald sheep and that­white horse with one blue … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 4)

Green Hornet’s Black Beauty. Motos in the dirt, rid­ing the KTM 450, a tidy BMW R60, and a blue Triumph. Real time video manip­u­la­tion, Lego frog (not safe for chil­dren) and NASA’s rules about weath­er. A sketch, many artists in a sub­way sta­tion, Jimi Hendrix on a roller coast­er video.