
ArchitectureWe put our pasts in our pock­ets where theyrub up against loose change and ghost stories.They min­gle with the con­fet­ti of every laun­dry list, want ad, park­ing tick­et, and fablethat we have used to explain and con­found our lives.Truth rubs off and leaves form­less tokens that we stamp with mis­re­mem­bered par­tic­u­lars and implau­si­ble circumstances.Counterfeit materials … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 2)

White is not a good col­or on some bikes, Wes Siler from Hell for Leather, tin toys, and a Bonneville I am unde­cid­ed about. How big is Africa? Paris Review author inter­views now on-line for all to read — most awe­some. Nordic mon­sters and Japanese ghosts. Vintage pack­ag­ing. What hap­pens when the sea mon­sters inter­fere in your relationships.

Morning Linkage (Aug 6)

all wom­en’s moto drill team, Confederate, XJR1200, EN125, and giv­ing away the secret sauce. #lock­fail, beard­ed goby fish. Brutalism, hide-aways, see­ing ghosts, cof­fee cups. Three ani­ma­tions from Gooby Herms.