Morning Linkage (Apr 8)

Transportation I’ve known of cou­ple of bike nuts from Alberta. Something about the hor­ri­bly, long , dark win­ters leads to the cre­ation of awe­some bikes to be enjoyed dur­ing the 16 hour sum­mer days. Things like this love­ly Duc. Oh so old school, oh so cool. A turquoise Indian. The details pics of the leaf springs … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 23)

Transportation Re the TTXGP shift to trust/co-op struc­ture for the sanc­tion­ing body. Giving the teams own­er­ship of the series. Brilliant or bound to fail? HD to return to pri­vate own­er­ship with the help of pri­vate equi­ty firm KKR? More than a week lat­er HOG stock prices are still enjoy­ing the rumor based bounce. Meanwhile, in Italy Ducati and Piaggio … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 4)

Transportation Purple Helmets, the Isle of Man TT half-time stunt team. Very British — in a Benny Hill, wellies and slick­ers, kin­da way. (Sound) Wrench Monkees begin build­ing a bit­sa. Where did that pur­ple frame come from? Updates as they hap­pen. Desmo dou­ble front-wheel trike. Very bizarre and head­line writ­ers take note, no way in hell is …