And Now I Know How I Ended Up in Membership Hell.

Re the pre­vi­ous two posts. As I men­tioned ear­li­er today, there’s more than one thing hinky about one of the local TV sta­tion’s web­site. I now know exact­ly how I got myself stuck in mem­ber­ship hell. Follow along: open your favorite brows­er. go to enter a search like, say, “one car” enter anoth­er, “two trucks” another, … 

TQR — Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging

Bloggers blog­ging on blog­ging Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging is the com­pli­ca­tion of 30 posts from April of 2007 when Chitika (a blog­ger’s adver­tis­ing net­work) held a “blog­bash” about pro­fes­sion­al blog­ging. (I’m a suck­er for pdfs, or any­thing that I can print and take away from the com­put­er and this one is nice­ly designed for …