shiny things in messy little piles

Author: lara (Page 91 of 96)

Become a Member? Of a TV Station?

I have now found the heinous mem­ber­ship page on the KING5 web­site. I’m not sure how a got there the first time, and to be fair when I went there on pur­pose — by click­ing on the top nav bar — I had no trou­ble using the back but­ton to return to the page I was read­ing when I dis­cov­ered the but­ton. Nonethe­less check this out: Con­tin­ue reading

The News Ain’t Free

Pay per view isn’t always in the form of sub­scrip­tions and the com­pa­nies that bring you your local news are either greedy or stu­pid or most like­ly very much both.

This morn­ing I went to one of the local TV sta­tion’s sites (KING5) to have a look at a piece of video and I learned what it real­ly costs to look at the local news on the ‘Net.

I recent­ly set my com­put­er and brows­er to ask me before installing cook­ies. Most­ly out of curiosity.

In addi­tion to the KING5 cook­ies which I accept­ed (at least 4) I have to deny cook­ies from the fol­low­ing sites:

Actu­al­ly about 12 sites but they were all vari­ants of the above. That’s right FOUR dif­fer­ent adver­tis­ing net­works what to install cook­ies in my brows­er so that I can read one local news sto­ry. Not happy.

It gets worse… Con­tin­ue reading

Web Dragons and Basic Car Care for Women

I’ve been work­ing for over a week on a review of the book Web Dragons:Inside the Myth of the Search Engines. My drafts are copi­ous and they all suck for one rea­son or anoth­er. So in a fit of hav­ing to get some damn thing out by the end of the week I give you:

This book is Basic Search Engine Care for Peo­ple with­out Library or Com­put­er Sci­ence Degrees.

For more then the 20 years a num­ber of com­mu­ni­ty col­leges have offered class­es in basic car care that were aimed at women. A nice avun­cu­lar gent in a shop coat talked about things like:

  • What an engine is and how it works.
  • Which nois­es com­ing from under the car are actu­al­ly dan­ger­ous and which are just annoying.
  • How to change a tire when the AAA truck can’t come for two hours and you have a meet­ing with your boss in 30 minutes.
  • How often to take you car to Jiffy Lube for an oil change and why it real­ly does matter.
  • How to deal with a mechan­ic and not get taken.

I nev­er took one of these cours­es because I know what car­bu­re­tor means (no, it is not French for don’t fuck with it) but lord knows I have some friends and rel­a­tives who damn well should .

Search engines are just like cars. We all use them every­day, and we all assume that they will work prop­er­ly when we need them, and most of us have no idea how they work. Con­tin­ue reading

TQR — Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging

Bloggers blogging on blogging

Deep Secrets of Suc­cess­ful Blog­ging is the com­pli­ca­tion of 30 posts from April of 2007 when Chi­ti­ka (a blog­ger’s adver­tis­ing net­work) held a “blog­bash” about pro­fes­sion­al blog­ging. (I’m a suck­er for pdfs, or any­thing that I can print and take away from the com­put­er and this one is nice­ly designed for the type of con­tent it offers.)

So why should I, or you, care about blog­gers blog­ging about blogging?

Look up there at the tag line and you’ll see it. “Tools, tips, and toys…” Blog­ging is a tool for think­ing. Con­tin­ue reading

right books at the right time

Today David Seah men­tioned in an almost aside to a post about learn­ing to net­work (a shared weak­ness) that he had read a cou­ple of books by Paulo Coel­ho and that these were, for him, the right books at the right time.
For me the right book was Coy­ote Blue by Christo­pher Moore. I’ve read and loved a ton of CM’s books since then but only Coy­ote Blue came by at the right moment with the right mes­sage: You are what you are, and any and all attempts to pre­tend oth­er­wise are bound to result in the old man bit­ing you in the ass.

What was your right book at the right time?

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