Morning Linkage (Jun 18)

With so many of my friends (and ene­mies?) mov­ing I thought I’d pass along this help­ful link to low space required book shelves. Good look­ing too. Somebody owes me a kit­ten. Book lust.The Ancient book of Sex and Science.  Retro illus­tra­tion style, every one’s favorite top­ic. Check out the scans here. (mod­er­ate­ly NSFW — art/illustrations no … 

Morning Linkage (Jun 16)

For those of you fol­low­ing the Iran protests: pre­serv­ing the infra­struc­ture. basic wartime jour­nal­ism pro­to­cols explained for twit­ter users and blog read­ers. (Original site has been slash-dotted, excerpt at boing-boing)‑i.html call for hack­ing Iranian gov­’t sites (eth­i­cal­ly ques­tion­able to flat out wrong IMO) Tons of good links in the wired arti­cle. Today’s Design Links: … 

Morning Linkage (Jun 15)

Interesting Things Links: More women who like being on the road, recre­at­ing an his­toric road trip. It’s a bit slick but an inter­est­ing attempt. New research on the math­e­mat­ics behind the “social web” and tag­ging: (esp for info geeks) A train­able advice engine. Write up on what, why, and who here: Play with it … 

Morning Linkage (May 13)

And we were all snick­er­ing at the park­ing cops on seg­ways… A gallery of the cov­ers of the jour­nal Advanced Materials. Click to embiggen. Read the issue sum­maries to dis­cov­er that you know absolute­ly noth­ing. Sometimes the answer to nasty mate­ri­als is not to dis­pose of them but to reuse them. I say it’s more than … 

Morning Linkage (May 11)

A sil­ly to start. 69 Love Song Illustrated. Just what it says. All by dif­fer­ent artists. They haven’t got the full 69 yet and a the qual­i­ty varies but this one is hap­py sil­ly. (Mildly NSFW due to hazy naked­ness and fur­ries) Douglas Bowman’s depar­ture from his post as head design­er for Google has freed …