Morning Linkage (Jun 29)

Five on the going some­where theme. Two trans­porta­tion devices. Similar design feel — rad­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ences. Black and white and plas­ti­cy and won­der­ful. Black and white and plas­ti­cy and dorky. (It’s real future might be as a basis for bet­ter wheel chairs.)‑real-toyota-updates-futuristic-tricycle Not what we are look­ing for in an elec­tric motor­cy­cle (but Mission One … 

Morning Linkage (Jun 26)

Friday Video Edition Wicked RC plane fly­ing (some­one needs to give this kid an iPod and some decent tunes.) More fly­ing — slow motion hum­ming birds. Mid 80’s ad cam­paign for Honda’s City. English rock and roll meets tiny car. Parkour from Brazil. Visually stun­ning film. Watch this full screen is you can. Unless you’re …

Morning Linkage (Jun 25)

Two on mate­ri­als sci­ence A promis­ing sub­sti­tute for BPA. It’s being mar­ket­ed in baby bot­tles so be sure to watch for the ‘no it’s not safe’ back­lash with­in 2 weeks of release. Sand’s unusu­al flow properites have physi­cists won­der­ing about mat­ter states. Old school B&W sci­ence videos! Science cre­at­ing art, maybe but light­ning in a … 

Morning Linkage (Jun 23)

All things Alice (in Wonderland) the first pub­lic­i­ty bar­rage is up and run­ning. pan and scan and zoom in on three views of the won­der­land.–06–22-wonderland-art_N.htm Character Stills Two char­ac­ter stills added. Another end of an era in pho­tog­ra­phy post. First the Polaroid and now Kodachrome.‑t.html A cou­ple of image/story mak­ers: Jens Claessens …