Morning Linkage (Jul 30)

Two from Scheier on the recent­ly dis­cussed top­ic of cloud computing
and stor­age. I find the com­ments on his blog to be of high­er quality
than most.

Summary of Kaminsky’s talk on the SSL cert spoof­ing. Clearer than most.

As if you could­n’t tell it’s DefCon time. I’ve been fas­ci­nat­ed by the
hack­able badges of the last cou­ple of years. Here’s a pre­view of this
year’s badge and a link to the source code.

There have been some great musi­cal guests on Sesame street. So after
all that scary tech stuff a lit­tle some­thing to remind you of what it
“tastes like being poor and small and Popsicles in summer.”