Transportation Don’t let the URL fool you. It’s a groovy Norton. For real? Dear lord, that’s way too much flower for me. Have $10K lying around? You might want to head over to the Duc dealer and get one of these, and a mocha. 2011 Duc Monster 796. Yum. Honda goes two-wheel electric. Japan only model …
Author Archives: lara
Morning Linkage (Apr 22)
Transportation Hello Kitty tank — is there nothing that can not be made more ridiculous with the addition of pink paint and that evil feline? I have a soft spot for Scramblers. Maybe I’m just old school that way. This one belongs to some guy named Mike — he’s working his way through his ’06 doing the …
Morning Linkage (Apr 20)
Transportation Very pretty bicycles. A lovely, partially built out Triumph Scrambler. Clean looking and I like the lower look. One of the women in my stone setting class is Austrian. We had a giggle the other day naming Austrian motorcycle companies that no one else in the class had ever heard of — all of them …
Morning Linkage (Apr 19)
Transportation Riding the Tiger Shiva. Rotax engine, six forward gears, fancy metal work, and you can ride it. It’s absolutely gorgeous. Videos: The Tiger Walks (Horrible music ) and Riding the Tiger (You can hear the rotax putt-putt) It’s a trailer, for a movie, about riding Royal Enfields in India. 2 Roues Sinon Rien. (two …
Morning Linakge (Apr 16)
Random Day after Tax Day tab closing exercise. Transportation Classic Lambretta scooter ads. New ads for the M‑B G class. Making images from the landscape — in this case sand and stones. ———– Art, Images, and Design From Olson Kundig — a tower of isolation on the edge of a forest. * Cutting up oil paintings …