Letter Home 4 Aug, 2018

Dearest ones, I went to a lec­ture last week. Ilya Kaminsky, a famous Ukrainian poet, began by ask­ing “How is life on this shiny plan­et?” I did not know how to answer him. He taped pic­tures by Diego Rivera to the wall and read from Calvino’s  Invisible Cities. He spoke of how our work is … 

Ragtime — E. L. Doctrow

It starts out so odd­ly. It’s off putting. There is a fam­i­ly whose mem­bers have no names only mark­ers for their places Mother, Father, Younger Brother, the Boy. Then Houdini crash­es his car into a tree and ends up sweat­ing out an after­noon in the fam­i­ly par­lor and that seems so unpromis­ing. And yet. Stick …