Morning Linkage (Feb 4) Friday

COncept Moto Guzzi, cafe rac­er from the ground up APrilla RSFV motor. The solar sail unfurls, and IBM helps us visu­al­ize the pow­er of 10. Glory and gory of rela­tion­ships on the walls of Philly, works on met­al, dou­ble expo­sures. The Holst sis­ters tap dance for us and a Japanese music video gets the week­end all start­ed up.

Morning Linkage (Feb 2)

Ferrari FF shoot­ing brake, Nick Clements films Cro Custom’s BS1, arty bikes and inte­ri­ors. Homecoming, Daystar, Burr puz­zle tables, Flinstones in Japan, and Dancing robots FTW.

Morning Linkage (Feb 1)

SR250 as a start­ing point, a res­ur­rect­ed hyper­mo­tard, 1955 at the Porsche deal­er. Alan tay­lor mov­ing to the Atlantic, paper in col­lages and low-relief, imag­i­nary eye­brows. An over the top sci-fi robot and a song illus­trat­ed with beach sand.

Morning Linkage (Jan 28)

Stram returns to the Salt, Eliz. Raab’s Ducatis with nudes, build­ing a cus­tom in India. Lady Gaga lyrics find a place, a per­fect umbrel­la, Dark trop­i­cal Antoinettes. Using sound and a high speed cam­era to move paint. Sweetest movie cred­its yet for Le Petit Nicolas.