Sparkly orange paint and a nitrous tank. I so want to hate this bike, but I can’t quite manage it. It’s scruffy and over the top, but it’s utterly charming in that torn-up eared tom-cat kind of way. But it’s a CB750, so what do you expect?
Happy words make a bike. Bicycle Typogram. Bonus, pics of the press and the printing of the image.
Page down once, 1929 Neander. Perfection.
Art, Images, and Design
Lately a lot of things in my life have been appearing in twos. Odd linked images that tie across media. Here’s a mystery photo of a building that appears to be floating in the air (probably a loading shed for fertilizer trucks) and one of my favorite movies “Howl’s Moving Castle” tied up together.
The first time I heard of a pangolin it was on the cover of a text book in school (Mary Douglas’s Implicit Meanings.) The animal fascinated me. Still does. And I’m not the only one. A backpack and an over the shoulder bag inspired by the spiny anteater created by Cyclus and made of recycled inner tubes. Goth? Punk? I’m voting new-animist.
Oh wow. You can still license Jim Flora art for your album/CD. I may have to go back to planning on being a rock’n’roll star when I grow up.
Culture and Its Institutions
And traveling on from the oh wow jim flora… to ARC, Artist’s Recording Collective. A new business model for packaging, distributing, and promoting music. One of several ventures attempting to make the new media and distribution channels serve the artist first.
Final Thought
Information you need, a female demon who forces men to speak when they shouldn’t. Uh huh.