Morning Linkage (Jan 20)


A lit­tle classier than most junk yard scrounged house­wares. Triumph teamed up with the Birmingham City University’s Institute of Art and Design to get stu­dents design­ing home fur­nish­ings built out of bike parts. A cou­ple of these are ‘teh awesome.’

CB 750’s redone as cafe rac­ers. I love ’em but it takes some­thing a lit­tle extra to catch my eye late­ly. I think the stripped down, low chrome con­tent of Military Gold by the Spanish house Cafe Racer Dreams might have just that.

Art, Images. and Design

I do not know what to make of the sto­ry syn­op­sis for Fur of the Glacial Mouse but the image of two fox­es watch­ing a train run through a val­ley on a pale moon lit win­ter’s night is a good one.

Giant creepy Russian fairy tale night­mare with a king, a cat, a frog, and a ginor­moust all-seeing eye. Yup, I still love Steven Daily. Covenant show­ing at La Luz de Jesus in LA.

Not every­one here is a fash­ion fool like I am. Doesn’t real­ly mat­ter. If you like the idea of there being peo­ple on this earth who look intent­ly at what’s going on around them every sin­gle day, then you’re going to like this inter­view with Scott Schumann a.k.a. the Sartorialist. (Video 7:11)


The wrong things… scary clown heads may be a good sub­sti­tute for the flames com­ing out of the anti-aircraft guns but the egre­gious use of Christmas items, rib­bons, bows, and glass tree orna­ments… Kaboom. PES again (Video 1:10, audio is loud)
